EOPS Office

Building G-300

Cuyamaca College 
900 Rancho San Diego Pkwy

El Cajon, CA 92019-4304


Email: cuyamaca.eopscounter@gcccd.edu

Phone: 619-660-4204


Office Hours:

Mon. 8am to 6pm 

Tues. - Thu. 8am to 5pm 

Fri. 9am to 1pm

Frequently Asked Questions


How do you apply for EOPS?


Complete the EOPS Application (Fall applications open from July-September and Spring applications open from January-March)


What does EOPS require for admission into the program?


Complete and file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)


Complete the College Promise Grant (formerly known as th Board of Governor's Fee Waiver) with the Financial Aid Office.


EOPS Application and eligibility requirements.


Do EOPS students qualify for an application fee waiver upon transfer?


Yes, UC and CSU universities offer application fee waivers within their applications for EOPS and/or low income students.


Website links are:

Do I need to meet with counselors in the General Counseling office if I meet with a counselor in EOPS?


No. As an EOPS student you are required to meet with an EOPS counselor three times each semester. The EOPS counselor will provide you with an education plan and will assist in directing you towards your career and transfer goals.


Can I lose my admission status to EOPS once I'm in the program?


Yes. You must maintain a good standing in the program by following program requirements listed on the Mutual Responsibility Contract. If you do not, you will be put on probation for the next semester. The counselors will work with you to get back in good standing.


Are EOPS students automatically eligible for an EOPS Grant or Text Assistance?


No. The EOPS program provides book vouchers and grants as state funds are available. In order to qualify for any assistance you must complete the following:


  • Complete EOPS Application
  • Attend Orientation
  • Sign Mutual Responsibility Contract
  • Attend 1st Counseling (to be eligible for EOPS Textbook Assistance)
  • Attend all three Counseling Appointments during the appointment timeline (to be eligible for the EOPS Grant)
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