The High Tech Center, also known as the HTC, is located near the Library in room C-114.
The High Tech Center is a computer facility for students with disabilities. Students
are encouraged to come to the HTC to learn about assistive computer technologies appropriate
to their disability. The HTC is also where students would go to discuss and pick up
Alternative Media Formats of their textbooks.
Library (LRC) C - 114
Fall Lab Hours:
Mon - Thur: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
DSPS High Tech Center staff
For questions about Computers, Assistive Technology or Accommodations
Jennifer Moore, Learning Assistance Center Specialist
619-660-6038 or 619-660-4299
For questions about Alternate Media, Assistive Technology or Visual challenges
Maico Moreno, Alternate Media Assistive Technology Specialist
Come in and see us we are here to help!
HTC has available the following tools to help students with disabilities succeed with
their courses.
Alternate Media is provided to students with disabilities according to their individual
needs and preferences. Some of the textbook formats offered include:
For questions or requests to speak with a DSPS staff member, you may email our: